Skill Improvement
Whenever you are ready to take your skill sets to the next level, consider using hypnosis. Everything we do in life starts with our thoughts. Sometimes we do them consciously, like deciding to throw a curveball instead of a fast ball. Sometimes we do it unconsciously, like feeling a certain way when we learn there is an exam coming. Either way, fine tuning the way you think will improve the way you act and move.

Improving skills
Hypnosis is an amazing tool for improving the skills you have or are learning. People are constantly using it to help them with sports or academic performance, public speaking and other skill sets. With hypnosis you can take on the skill sets of a mentor or instructor. You can visualize the skill and practice it to perfection. You can even slow down time so you can practice hundreds of times in a few minutes. Whatever you are trying to do, hypnosis will be a wonderful addition to your normal regiment or it can help you get past that platou.
sports performance
Would you like to improve your golf swing, short game, hit a curve ball or perfect a wrestling takedown? Athletes are always looking for that competitive edge, and having your head in the right place definitely gives you an advantage. Whether you are trying out for a team or just want to improve for yourself, we can help you hone your skills that much more.

academic performance
Do you have test taking anxiety, problems remembering, or perhaps your need to blow off steam is getting in the way of your studying? There are many habits or problems that could be affecting your academic performance. Fortunately, once we have an idea of what the problem is and what the desired outcome is, we can easily start implementing better habits and new outlooks with regards to the life of a student. Once your outlook improves, your grades will follow.
life skills
Everyone isn’t still in school and everyone is not an athlete. Perhaps you just need help with public speaking or you want to get better at giving presentations at work. Maybe you are introverted but you need to be comfortable talking to strangers for networking and sales. Perhaps you have started a sales job and just realized that sales is not as easy as waiting for people to approach you and buy your products. Perhaps you are building your own website like I am right now and it is cumbersome and not what you thought you would be doing.
We need an idea of what you are experiencing now and what you want to experience from now on. From then on you can enjoy the learning process. You can love talking to people instead of loathing it. Let us help you help yourself.

What does the research say?
Golf performance: These results support the hypothesis that an hypnotic intervention can improve golf-chipping performance and increase feelings and cognitions associated with flow.
Pates, J. (2000). Effects Of Hypnosis On Flow States And Golf Performance. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 91(7), 1057. doi:10.2466/pms.91.7.1057-1075
Athletes: The 14 athletes participating imaged each situation in and out of hypnosis—half of the time the imagery in hypnosis came first and half after. The participants reported that the imagery under hypnosis was more intense for each dimension and more intense for each situation. Whether the imagery was done under hypnosis first or after was not significant. The findings suggest that hypnosis substantially enhances imagery intensity and effectiveness.
Liggett, D. R. (2000). Enhancing Imagery through Hypnosis: A Performance Aid for Athletes.
American Journal of Clinical hypnosis, 43(2), 149-157. doi:10.1080/00029157.2000.1040426
Sports performance: The results indicated that all five participants in- creased both their mean basketball three-point shooting performance and their mean flow scores from baseline to intervention.
Pates, J., Cummings, A., & Maynard, I. (2002). The Effects of Hypnosis on Flow States and Three-Point Shooting Performance in Bastketball Players. The Sport Psychologist, 16(1), 34-47. doi:10.1123/tsp.16.1.34
Academic performance: The two hypnotic training programs had a significant effect on the academic achievement of the participants, which was not found in the control groups.
The Effect of Hypnotic Training Programs on the Academic Performance of Students. H. M. De Vos and . A. Louw. American Journal Of Clinical Hypnosis Vol. 49 , Iss. 2,2006