Phobia Release
Welcome to Colorado Springs Hypnosis. I am so glad you are here. Hypnosis is a fantastic tool for releasing those annoying fears and phobias that run your life. Contact us now so you can let those old fears go.
fear and phobia release
If you would like to be done with an old fear or phobia, you have come to the right place. Hypnosis is an amazing tool to get rid of unwanted fears. The results are swift and they are lasting. Many people after using hypnosis to get rid of a phobia will not believe they had it in the first place, or when they look back on it they will say things like, “well, it wasn’t that bad.”
Lets say you are deathly afraid of spiders. You can remember a hand full of times where you came in contact with one and each time was very traumatic. After hypnosis, when you look back on those situations, you will remember the events, you will remember the way you acted, but you will not be able to find those feelings of fear any more. And from then on, it just won’t be part of your life any more.

You learned to be afraid
People only have one natural fear; the fear of falling. Keep in mind I said falling, not heights. When you were a kid and someone picked you up and tossed you into the air, or pretended to drop you, the fear you felt was natural. Later you probably got over it and started running and jumping and climbing like kids do.
Any other fear or phobia you have, you learned at some point and it was probably based around a single event. Lets go back to spiders.
Lets say Johnny when he was young you came across a spider. But he didn’t just see it, walked through a doorway and it had been climbing down its web. Then it floated onto Johnny’s face and he freaked out. And from that day forward, Johnny has a panic attack every time he sees a spider.
Fight, flight and autopilot
The most basic part of our brain is often called the reptilian brain. It controls our fight or flight response. It is the part of us that tells us to take a step back if we get too close to a ledge, maybe tells us to we should pick a fight when someone looks at our significant other the wrong way and has us brace ourselves when we are about to get in a car accident. MOST of the time this response is helpful.
Our subconscious mind likes to write programs, if you will, to automate our whole life. We have these programs to tie our shoes, drive cars, make coffee, and etc. Once we are done learning something, it turns into a program, or habit and we don’t need to be bothered by it any more.
So let’s go back to Johnny. The spider lands on his face, fight or flight kicks in, he freaks out. Then the subconscious mind comes in and says, “Hey, Johnny did that and didn’t die. I guess we will do that from now on to keep us safe.” Now Johnny is afraid of spiders… well, he was… until he came to see us.

What does the research say?
Fear of Flying: The patient’s self-assessed readiness to fly increased significantly over the course of treatment, and she successfully engaged in a “practice flight” toward the end of her treatment.
Volpe, E. G., & Nash, M. R. (2012). The Use of Hypnosis for Airplane Phobia With an Obsessive Character: A Case Study. Clinical Case Studies, 11(2), 89-103. doi:10.1177/1534650112440167
Fear of heights: The author, an experienced alpine mountaineer, sustained several traumatic climbing injuries over a two-year period. This article describes her multiple uses of self-hypnosis to deal with several challenges related to her returning to successful mountain climbing. She used self-hypnosis for physical healing and to enhance her motivation to resume climbing. While training for her next expedition, she successfully utilized self- hypnotic techniques to deal with acute stress and later post-traumatic symptoms that had emerged related to her climbing injuries. She describes her use of hypnotic ego-strengthening, mental rehearsal, age progression, and “Inner Strength” as well as active-alert trance states. Her successful summitting of Ecuador's Cotopaxi at 19,380 feet was facilitated by “The HypnoticBelay” which permitted her to secure herself by self-hypnosis in addition to the rope used to secure climbers. In 1994, the author returned to the Cascade Mountains where she had been injured three years earlier and reached the summit of Mount Shuksan. This time she was secured by “The Hypnotic Belay”.
The Hypnotic Belay in Alpine Mountaineering: The Use of Self-Hypnosis for the Resolution of Sports Injuries and for Performance Enhancement Priscilla A. Morton ACSW, BCD American Journal Of Clinical Hypnosis Vol. 46 , Iss. 1,2003
A group mindfulness meditation training program can effectively reduce symptoms of anxiety and panic and can help maintain these reductions in patients with generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, or panic disorder with agoraphobia.
Effectiveness of a meditation-based stress reduction program in the treatment of anxiety disorders. (1992). American Journal of Psychiatry, 149(7), 936-943. doi:10.1176/ajp.149.7.936