My reiki sessions are a bit different. Prior to becoming a reiki practitioner, I had been hypnotist for some time. While this is not a hypnosis session, I bring in hypnotic elements into the session.
As a hypnotist, I just happened to notice that people tend to drop into a light trance anyway when attending reiki sessions. I expand on this process by guiding you through a light meditation and grounding exercise prior to starting reiki. This helps you drift deeper into a resourceful, open, healing state, and allows you to accept optimal for energy flow.
The intent is to set an environment where we are both, collectively bringing healing energy into mind, body, emotions and soul.

What is reiki
Reiki is a Japanese technique that helps release stress and anxiety and promotes healing. Rei, pronounced like ray of light, means universal. Ki, pronounced like key roughly means life force or life energy. You may notice that Ki sounds like Chi, which is the chinese pronunciation for the same thing. Prana is also the Indian (India, not Native American) name for Ki or Chi.
Reiki is considered a spiritual practice, however it is not tied to any specific belief system or religion. Many practitioners, including this one believe all the religions and religious profits all bring in parts of the bigger picture. And if you study religion or spirituality at all you will find they all have overlapping concepts and beliefs.
With that being said, there is no belief system required or prerequisite knowledge for reiki to work. Just as you don’t need to understand gravity to stick to the earth, or understand electrical engineering to use your phone, you do not need to grasp all the hows and whys of reiki to gain all of its benefits.
What does it Cost
Our reiki sessions are $111 or four for $345. They take about an hour and currently we are only seeing clients individually for a session.

How does reiki work
Ki or life energy is always flowing through us. If you have ever heard words like chakra, biofield, aura, or meridians, these are all terms which help us understand how this energy flows and guide us to ensure its flowing at its best.
When we are happy and healthy and generally well, the Ki just flows right through us smoothly and easily. And when there are blockages, we start to feel not so well, not so happy and not so healthy.
I like to compare this flow of energy to the flow of our blood through our veins and arteries. When our veins and arteries are clean and clear, we feel great. When they start to get clogged up we see symptoms such as higher blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. If they get really clogged we start to see much bigger problems like heart attack, strokes and other problems.
When we use Reiki, we are tuning up the Chakras so they can direct and transform Ki through the body correctly. We are also unblocking meridians, so the flow of Ki can run smoothly and get where it needs to go. And of course, when everything is running the way it should, we move back towards those feelings of healthy, happy and well.
How will reiki help me
Reiki is both powerful and very gentile. Historically Reiki has been used to help people with multiple sclerosis, heart disease, cancer as well as lesser problems like skin problems, colds, flus, headaches, etc. People use reiki to help with getting pregnant, insomnia and fatigue. Reiki can be use to help with any ailment or problem. Reiki can only help and never harm.
Reiki works in perfect harmony with other kinds of treatment whether they be medical, psychological or alternative. In fact, Reiki is offered as a part of regular patient care in over 800 hospitals in the United States.
On the note of cold and flus, if you are sick and would like to use reiki to help with the recovery process, we are happy to help, however, over zoom or telephone sessions only.