Relaxation Sessions
Perhaps you are not looking for a huge life change, but you need a bit of a booster. Maybe you have been down lately, unmotivated lately, stressed lately, or maybe its just been a rough week. Maybe you even caught some of the corona blues.
This is exactly what our relaxation sessions are for. Unlike our standard sessions which are designed to help us dig deep to the root of lifelong problems and help people succeed in areas where they have previously failed, these sessions are designed to help you spunk up and recharge and reconnect with your authentic self.
What does it Cost
Our relaxation sessions are $222 or $333 for a couples session.

What happens in the session
During our session, we will take some time to explain hypnosis and how it works. If any questions have come up since our consultation or last session we will discuss them.
From here we will guide you into a trance, which is to say we will give you directions, that when followed, will help you get into a great state of mind for hypnotic experiences and techniques. Then we guide you through visualizations and techniques to relaxing, releasing and recharging.
Is this therapeutic
This process is highly therapeutic, although the purpose is not necessarily therapy. Hypnosis helps lower the heart rate, blood pressure and slows the breathing. It is very relaxing and just going into trance tends to reduce stress and anxiety.
In this day in age, we are not great at expressing our feelings. Most people are accustomed to the metaphor of “keeping things bottled up”. Unfortunately that metaphor has some very literal side effects such as stress, anxiety, guilt, resentment and pretty much any emotion we consider negative. And when we are weighed down by these emotions, the world just seems less wonderful than it should. Letting go of that baggage sure is helpful.