smoking cessation
We have an excellent smoking cessation program. You will have no cravings, no withdrawal and we guarantee this for life. If you ever have a craving or start smoking again, you can make another appointment and we will get you back on track at no additional cost to you. For more information about our smoking cessation program click below or make an appointment.

habit change
Hypnosis is a wonderful way to learn how to change habits. Our minds are like computers, and when we do something enough, it writes a program to automate that task. Most of these programs are good and help us get through life without having to think to much about it. Some of these programs include, tie your shoes, drive a car, open a door.
Some of these habits are less helpful such as nail biting, binge eating, or putting off chores. If you are interested in changing or quitting a habit, click on more information or book an appointment.
stress and anxiety
Stress and anxiety are brought on by our fight or flight response. They can be useful in some situations, however too much can have crippling effects on our lives. Sometimes these emotions are signals, telling us we need to do something important and other times they can be old habits, perhaps from a more difficult time in our life. Sometimes its both and more.
With hypnosis we can clear out some of the old beliefs and emotions that cause this response to situations. We also will teach you techniques you can take into your life to be empowered when things start to get difficult.
If you are just looking to relax, perhaps after a stressful week or month, we also offer relaxations sessions below.

Phobia Release
Fears and phobias are are a learned response that our mind solidifies after our “fight or flight” system is triggered. After that initial event, we continue to have that same response as it is programmed into our mind. Its as if our mind said, “well we didn’t die that one time, so this is how we will do it for ever”.
Luckily hypnosis is an amazing tool for unlearning this response. Although you could spend a lot of time handing spiders or snakes or hugging clowns until your subconscious finally learns they won’t necessarily hurt you, it is much easier and more pleasant to go into a trance and let those fears disintegrate.
improve skills
Would you like to be better at taking tests? Improve your golf swing? Speak in front of people with confidence? You can. Perhaps you have a mentor or hero you would like to emulate or maybe you just want to get to that more skilled you faster. Hypnosis is an excellent tool for zeroing in on that better, faster, stronger and smarter you and pulling it into now. Click below to see how you expedite your learning and your skill sets.

Weight release
When people think about hypnosis, they often think about weight release. This makes perfect since as weight release and control is also very much about habit control. And hypnosis is a very powerful way to change your habits. When we approach weight control we do so from a few different aspects. We approach the habits themselves, the belief structures regarding weight and even the underlying issues that may drive us to make unhealthy decisions.
Relaxation Sessions
For those who want to try hypnosis, but do not want to make any huge changes will enjoy our relaxation sessions. Our relaxation sessions are an economical way to experience the benefits of deep trance without all the deep work.
Come relax and release whats been bothering you lately. Re-energize and rejoin the world feeling amazing.

Our YouTube Channel is designed to help you experience hypnosis and learn about your personal wellness. We have some recorded sessions to help you with specific goals, classes for self hypnosis and wellness and some rants and ideas that may help you live a bit healthier and happier.
We hope you enjoy our current videos and of course if there is something you would like to watch or learn about, reach out to us. If it is within our skill level and scope of our channel we may be able to put a video together for you and the rest of our audience.