Release the weight now
There is no better time than now to step into that healthier lifestyle that will help you reach and maintain your target weight. Whether you wish to improve your health, improve your appearance, or just feel better, hypnosis can help you accomplish your goals. Hypnosis is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Make an appointment today and take control of your life.

Weight Release Hypnosis
Hypnosis is a fantastic tool for helping people release weight. People gain weight for several different reasons, which is why we use several techniques that will help with cravings, motivations, and limiting beliefs. Whether you would like to exercise more or eat less chocolate or a combination of things, hypnosis can help you take control and achieve those goals.
What does it Cost
Our Standard Hypnosis sessions are $250. For some people who may be looking to make a small change in diet or lose a few pounds this is a good option.
Our 5-Session Package is also a popular option for weight release. This program is $1000, saving the cost of an entire session. Depending on your goals, this may be a good option.
We understand that commiting to a thousand dollar program can be hard without really knowing us. For this reason, you can just do a single session at first. From there you have a week to upgrade to a package and we will factor in the original fee into the cost of the package.

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Most people when they want to lose weight will try to go on a diet. They cut carbs, or fats, or count calories or some other form of personal torture. One of two things usually happens next. They either get discouraged, cheat and fail or they succeed, meet their target weight, then eat all the things they weren’t aloud to eat for such a long time.
The problem with most diets, is many of them are not designed to maintain for a lifetime. Once you stop doing them, you stop losing or maintaining your weight.
Why hypnosis works
People who lose weight and keeping it off are successful because they make a lifestyle change. Generally they have had some sort of epiphany moment and now their conscious and subconscious mind are in agreement about the new lifestyle they need to adopt. Unfortunately not everyone has this epiphany.
Fortunately, hypnosis is an amazing tool for not only changing habits, but changing beliefs too. With hypnosis, we will help you change your beliefs about your own abilities to live healthily and we will help you develop new and healthy habits. Once you begin making healthy lifestyle choices, the pounds will begin to shed and reveal the healthier you.

What does the research say?
This study tested the effects of hypnosis for weight control. Hypnotizability was assessed by the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale: Form C (SHSS:C). Forty‐five subjects completed the study with examiners who were blind with respect to hypnotizability scores. Subjects exposed to a simple self‐management technique and to the Spiegel and Spiegel (1978) hypnosis intervention, modified to include specific food aversion, lost significantly more weight at a 3‐month follow‐up than subjects exposed only to the self‐management treatment. The specificity of hypnosis in the program was supported by a significant correlation between weight loss and SHSS:C scores for the same group. Subject attrition was about equal across all treatment groups, suggesting all treatments were perceived as active.
Weight Loss: Hypnosis helped people lose weight in both the short-term and in the long-term. In other words, hypnosis helps people keep from regaining weight!
Kirsch, I. (1996). Hypnotic enhancement of cognitive-behavioral weight loss treatments:
Another meta-reanalysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64(3), 517-519. doi:10.1037//0022-006x.64.3.517
A method of effecting weight loss through the use of hypnosis is described embracing: (a) direct suggestions relating to amount and type of food eaten, (b) ego-enhancing suggestions to help patients live their lives more pleasantly, (c) mental imagery to establish a desired goal, (d) auto-hypnosis to reinforce the therapists suggestions, and (e) use of audio-tape to provide additional support after the completion of formal treatment. Although the approach has proven successful with many patients, two year follow up data was available for 10 only, and it is upon these that the article concentrates. Emphasis is placed upon the importance of the therapist-patient relationship and, in particular, the fostering of positive expectation that the treatment will be successful.
H. E. Stanton Ph.D. (1975) Weight Loss through Hypnosis, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 18:1, 34-38, DOI: 10.1080/00029157.1975.10403768