Astrological Consultations
Astrology is the art and science of comparing the the movement and positions of the sun, moon, and planets to entities and events here on earth. Astrologers “cast” or fill in astrology charts and through interpretation of the symbols and mathematical angles, we can gain an understanding of the nature thing we are assessing. A birth or natal chart would cast for a person to understand their personality, needs and goals. Or you cast a chart for a business and gain an understanding of their values and purpose. You can then take the charts of two entities and compare them to see how they will interact together. Or you can compare the chart of an entity with a time and place to see how they are effected by that current environment.
At the the exact date, time and place of your birth, all the planets in the solar system were in specific place in our solar system and you were smack dab in the middle of it all. Your birth chart is nothing more than the plotting of those positions on a graph. BUT, what this chart represents is the exact state of the universe from your perspective at the time of your entrance into it. And what we gain from this chart is a view of how these energies imprinted on you and helped make you who you are. This is the case for all people, animals, events, and entities. They all have a date, time and place of beginning and they can all be analyzed through this system known as astrology.
In short, astrology is a tool to help you understand yourself, your relationships and your environment.

Why Astrology?
In an effort to better understand myself, my loved ones and my clients I began studying astrology. It has been a fantastic tool in helping me understand my own needs and tenancies, which in turn has helped me become more mindful in my daily life. I am very happy to offer astrological consultation services as I believe astrology provides two helpful tools in self empowerment: understanding of the self and a means to get into a harmonious vibration with the surrounding environment.
Natal Chart (know thy self)
Most people start with a natal chart reading of themselves, and it is what I recommend if you have not had one. Here I will gather your birth date, place of birth and time of birth and use them to cast a birth chart specific to you. Of course, the more accurate the information, the more accurate the chart will be. I will also have you fill out a questionnaire to help me understand your goals and motivations. If you do not know your time of birth, I will not be able to give you a complete assessment. See chart rectification below.
During our session I will tell you all about you. A lot of the information will be obvious to you. Some of it may feel a bit personal. Some of it may be uncomfortable, but its between you and I. And from this information we can get an understanding of your personal strengths, important areas and themes in your life. We can better understand your personal needs and passions and how to help you meet them.
From a natal reading, we can also discuss topics such as, possible careers, your relationship needs, possible hobbies or activities you may enjoy. We spend our whole lives hearing about how we should be. Here you can really start to accept and understand who you are.
Plan for the session to be one to one and a half hours or a bit more based on the number of questions.

Synastry AKA. Relationships
Here we compare the relationship between two people or a person and an entity, usually you and someone. Through these interpretations we can better understand how a you interact with someone, difficulties you have with each other, areas where you work well together and where it will take extra effort. While understanding ourselves helps us be mindful of our own behaviors, understanding our partner’s tenancies and needs can help us meet their needs more effectively, perhaps avoid or work on friction areas, and most importantly accept them more easily, even if not completely relating to their viewpoint.
Synastry is also quite useful for comparing a people as business partners, friends, family members and other platonic relationships. We can even compare your chart to that of a company you are interested in applying for to see if you would be a good fit there. Likewise, we could look at how a potential employee may fit within your business.
If this is for a pair of people and they will both be present, plan for two hours, otherwise an hour to an hour and a half is normal.
Transits (astro weather)
Transits allow you to use astrology to go with the flow with the environment instead of fighting against it. The day you were born, all the planets were aligned in a specific way, but they kept on moving and they continue this moment always. As they continue to move the energies continue to shift, making our world ever changing, and never the same.
Because the movements of the planets are so steady, we can predict where they will be in the future. And we can compare your personal energies to that of of your environment.
Think of it like this. If you were going to go have a picnic and you knew it was going to be sunny next weekend but raining this weekend, which weekend would you pick? What if it was going to rain all month? Would you even go, or perhaps find something else to do?
I do two different transits consultations. One is an annual consultation where we discuss the energy’s of the year, month by month. This can be great for yearly planning and goal setting.
We can also do a consultation for a shorter time period, generally 3 months or less. People often seek this style of consultation when there is something going on right now or something coming up and they want to so what energies may be working with or against them.

Electoral - When should i...
Thinking of getting married or starting a business or releasing a product or launching a huge project? Why not set yourself up for success by picking a metaphysically sound time to do so?
This service is not a replacement for having a good relationship or putting together a good plan. Assuming however, you have your ducks in a row, a good plan, and a good partner this will really give you a good running start.
Truth be told, if you are already in the flow of things, you may be asking about specific dates that are already great choices, and I’ll just be verifying which ones will be best.
Basically, once I understand your intent and your time frame(s). I just go through and look for the times that are most inline with your intentions. We can talk about the results on zoom or I can provide a report.
Chart Rectification(By request)
If you do not know the time of your birth, it is not possible to cast a completely accurate chart. We can however use your knowledge about yourself to figure out your chart. By looking at aspects of your personality and important events in your life, we can figure out with decent accuracy your time of birth, and figure out your complete chart.
From here you will be able to get accurate astrology consultations with any astrologer.

Horary - Divination
When I started studying horary astrology, I did not truly understand what I was getting into. This is nothing like regular astrology in that we do not interpret the planets as planetary energies. Instead, a question is asked to the astrologer and a chart is cast for the place and time of the asking of the question. The chart is then used in a similar way to a tarot a spread, and the planets take up the personas of the parties involved in the question, and by their movement, they tell a story about how things will unfold. It is surprisingly accurate and provides quite detailed answers.
The idea is whenever a question is asked, the answer is available in that very place and moment. One of the ways we find that answer is to cast a chart for that moment and place, and from there the current state of the planets as well as how they will move in the future, help us interpret how things will unfold.
What kinds of questions may you ask? This itself, is a broad question, however, here are some common questions that are common with horary consultations. Will my team win? Should I buy this house? Will I get the raise or the job? Will my dog come home or when will we find them.
I generally just send a write up of the answer for these types of questions so I can get the information to you ASAP. If time is an issue, having me send a written report may be faster.
not medical or legal advice
Astrology is a a means to understand your personal energies and those around you. Much of the information we find shows where specific pressures apply to certain areas of your life. Some of these areas could include, your business, health, relationships, etc. The information we provide is not a substitute for legal or medical consultation with qualified professionals in their specific areas.